Monday, July 25, 2016

Mushroom Fairy 05

This is where we start this week. I'm finally going to work on the fairy!

I decided that her colors needed to coordinate with the mushrooms. Not be the same, but not be opposed either. So, I've chosen to go with a gold!

To begin the process, I started with a color that would eventually become the highlights of her dress.

This is the same progression of colors that I start with all the time. The lightest possible tone of the color goes first.

I used a PC 915 Lemon Yellow, with a light stroke all over.

Now I can start to add some darker colors, which will bring the dress to life.

Using a Canary Yellow PC 916, I started to add more color into the areas that are more shadowed.

Then I picked up Sunburst Yellow PC 917 and filled in more color.  I make sure to leave the highlight areas alone. They still only have the lightest color, the Lemon Yellow that I started with.

Keeping this layering going, I added Goldenrod PC 1034.

Because these are all lighter colors, and the end result I'm looking for is a "glowing" gown, all the color additions I've done have been done in a very light stroke.

At this point I needed a little more shadow in some of the areas. So with a PC 945 Sienna Brown, I added a little more shadow in the areas that I felt were in the deepest shadow.

Here's a closeup view. You can see how all the colors have come together to create a nice glowing gown.

To complete the look, I decided that the belt should match the color of the mushroom tops.  Even though it's a very small section, I used the same process, working from light to dark.
I used the following to create the belt --
First --
PC 921 Pale Vermillion
then --
PC 924 Crimson Red
followed by --
PC 1009 Dahlia Purple
and a little --
PC Black Cherry in the deep corners.

Okay, here's where we stop this week.
I really like the way the gold in the dress stands out over the red in the mushrooms.  It also helps to bring out the highlights in the mushroom caps.

Next week, flesh tones!!

Happy coloring.

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